
Our Market

The company has a two prong market strategy:

  1. The first is to provide our valued domestic customers with a safe, stable, affordable and reliable source of high quality fish products from Lake Tanganyika. To achieve this, the company has planned to establish retail outlets in major urban centers throughout the country (Dar-es-Salaam, Morogoro, Kahama, Dodoma, Songea, Tabora, Sumbawanga, Mbeya, etc...). These company owned and run outlet stores will offer our value conscious customers the freshest high quality fish from Lake Tanganyika. The company outlets for Dar-es-Salaam and Sumbawanga are already operational. The one in Dar-es-Salaam is located in Magomeni.

  1. The second strategy is to launch an aggressive campaign for the overseas markets. The company has a global vision to see fish from Lake Tanganyika being served at dinning tables all around the world from the European Union, Asia, Africa, Australia to all the way to North America. In the United States (USA), the company has entered into a contract with KMR Enterprises, a major fish importer and wholesaler based in Lexington, Kentucky/USA to be the exclusive wholesaler of Alpha Tanganyika fish brand in the USA and Canada. Contacts are being made and contracts being negotiated to establish similar deals with wholesalers in the European Union and Australia.